WE ARE SO PROUD AND HONORED TO HAVE THESE ENDORSEMENTS. If you believe in our vision for Arlington Public Schools, please click here to add your name to our list of supporters.
“I am proud to support Steven because he is a proven advocate for all students, regardless of race, nationality, or socio-economic status. I have seen this first hand in his support for the Latino community, as demonstrated by his advocacy to expand dual language immersion programs, FLES, summer learning opportunities, and school choices. He values bilingualism as an educational, cultural and economic asset. Steven will bring his experience and passion as an attorney, social justice advocate, and business owner to better our school community. His priorities include hiring and retaining outstanding educators, welcoming families and community groups as partners to support student success, and ensuring that every student is healthy, safe, challenged and engaged. As a parent with the youngest children of any School Board candidate or current member, I know he has a long-term global perspective that will ensure that APS remains an excellent school system for everyone.”
I enthusiastically endorse Steven Krieger for the Arlington School Board. Steven will work to ensure equitable solutions to the many challenges facing our growing system. It is incredibly important that each child be given an opportunity to succeed and I believe Steven will strive to achieve that. He will also be a champion for increasing teacher pay, utilizing qualitative and quantitative benchmarks to measure success and creating “green” learning environments. Steven Krieger will be the catalyst for 21st century learning and a bright future for our children. I hope you’ll join me in supporting Steven for School Board.
As a mom of 4 active kids, an avid community, school, and non-profit volunteer, an event planner/fundraiser for political campaigns, a charity donor, and Arlington Public Schools Honored Citizen 2015, I enthusiastically and wholeheartedly support Steven Krieger for APS School Board.
I have experience at APS (Key, Gunston, Washington-Lee/Liberty), private, boarding and even international UK university schools. My involvement with Arlington organizations include THIS for Diplomats (2009-current), World Learning Hosts (2012-current), Dream Project, Arlington Children’s Fund, OST, ASA, AFAC, ASPAN, Doorways for Women & Children, Board/Community Member for Team Kids (2014-current), Arlington County Partnership for Children, Youth and Families (2012-18), Earth Force (2010-12), and Fairfax Choral Society (2009-12).
Steven is a parent of young active kids, an attorney for social justice and a local business leader. He will bring a smart, balanced and practical vision to our public schools. His mom, a former public school teacher in Detroit, modeled the importance of education to Steven and his brother and shaped their family with her beliefs about teachers, students, and their community. I believe in his educational platform: language immersion, equity within the achievement gap, fairness and opportunity for all, balance in APS overall budget for in areas of concern for teacher salaries, students’ special needs, mental health, and creative ways for enrichment programs, thoughtful boundary consideration and expansion for growth. I have witnessed Steven’s skills and talents in his data driven abilities (like studying all of the APS budget and ACPYC APS reports of the last 10 years). I admire his energy to listen intently and collaborate with the community, county officials, parents, and students. His own persistent call to action in how he can contribute to effective and sustainable changes in Arlington, mirrors my own perspective and ideas on how to use one’s voice to benefits not only my own family, but ALL families in Arlington County.
Steven and his family have the greatest investment in APS, with the youngest children of any current school board member or candidate. Steven will fight to be part of the solution and create an even stronger community of students who will represent the excellence of APS, not just for now, but also for future endeavors! Every student counts! Steven is your Man!
As a proud Arlington teacher, I enthusiastically endorse Steven Krieger for School Board because he has a history of actually developing solutions that improve our community.
I have gotten to know Steven and his family as a teacher to one of his sons, and as a neighbor. What excites and intrigues me about Steven’s solutions is their intelligence, balance, and sustainability. Moreover, Steven creates space for community to come together for important, and often difficult, conversations about the critically-important issues impacting us. His law firm opened to help address the inequities in our justice system. When there has been an issue with the schools, Steven has reached out to teachers to incorporate their perspectives. With COVID-19, Steven has helped ensure aid gets to the most needy, including groceries and his own pro bono legal counsel to those facing housing issues.
In sum, I firmly believe Steven will give voice to all our students, families, and teachers if elected to the APS School Board. As an educator, I know how vital it is to have a school board that values and respects those who take care and teach our students daily and Steven absolutely does, which is why I know he is the right choice to help guide our world-class Arlington education through the important years ahead.
Steven has my vote and support for School Board. Like many Arlingtonians, I am concerned about our kids as we enter an unprecedented time with a new superintendent, two new board members, and a global health & economic crisis. Having served on numerous advisory committees to Arlington County and School Boards and as a PTA officer at multiple schools, I am confident that Steven has the character and experience required to ensure the long-term success of our students and Arlington as a whole.
Here are a few reasons why:
1. Steven believes in and has dedicated his career to promoting equity.
2. As an attorney and litigator, he understands how to ask tough questions and critically analyze data to ensure that APS is achieving the desired results. I am confident that he won’t just rubber-stamp staff proposals and will be bold enough to make tough choices.
3. Steven has two young children, so he is personally invested in the long-term success of our schools.
Steven is a problem-solver who can lead us through this challenging time. I encourage you to join me in supporting Steven for School Board.
As the former longtime administrators of Key Elementary School, Dr. Marjorie Myers and Sra. Evelyn Fernandez, we hope you will vote for Steven Krieger, Esq. for the Arlington Public Schools’ School Board. We have been impressed with his ability to analyze and delve into the root cause of issues and concerns. He listens to those who have something to say while having an uncanny ability to go deeper and raise higher level questions than most.
Steven is the parent of young children, the eldest of whom is currently enrolled in the Spanish Immersion Program at Key. Steven understands that all children benefit from learning in two languages from a young age. For the many years that we managed the school while creating an international model for immersion schools, it was rare to have a strong voice on the School Board. Steve will be that voice.
During the discussions over the past few years about the need to move schools out of their communities, the two of us said more than once, who is this man, Steven Krieger? He is so insightful, with an amazing ability to study data both as numbers and from parent comments. He caught our attention with each communication. His questions and comments were always reasoned, balanced and made so much sense. We can only imagine how thoughtful he will be as a formal member of the APS School Board. So, we suggest that Steven Krieger needs to join the next APS School Board. Please cast your vote for him and make that happen.
Thank you.
Dr. Marjorie L. Myers, Principal 1995-2018
Sra. Evelyn Fernandez, Asst. Principal 1997-2016; Teacher 1984-1997
Somos Dra. Marjorie Myers y Sra. Evelyn Fernandez, Las Directoras recientemente retiradas de La Escuela Key después de 23 y más años de servicio. Desde este punto de vista, queremos compartir nuestro apoyo en favor de Steven Krieger, Esq. para La Junta Escolar de Las Escuelas Públicas de Arlington (APS), y esperamos que ustedes también le den su apoyo. Siempre hemos estado impresionadas con la capacidad que Steven tiene de analizar y entrar profundamente en las causas de los problemas y desafíos que confrontan nuestras escuelas. Él escucha las opiniones de la gente y tiene la habilidad increíble de profundizar y plantear preguntas de nivel más alto que la mayoría.
Steven es el padre de niños pequeños, el mayor de los cuales está actualmente inscrito en El Programa de Inmersión en Key. Steven entiende que todos los niños se benefician de aprender en dos idiomas desde una temprana edad. Durante todo el tiempo en que dirigimos a La Escuela Key mientras creando un modelo internacional para las escuelas de inmersión, no tuvimos una voz fuerte representándonos en La Junta Escolar de APS. Steven será esa voz que siempre hemos deseado.
Con las discusiones que han sucedido en los últimos años sobre la necesidad de mover las escuelas fuera de sus comunidades, las dos hemos dicho más de una vez, ¿Quién es este Steven Krieger? Él tiene una gran intuición y una increíble capacidad de estudiar la información que viene de la estadística y de las opiniones de los padres de familia. Él siempre nos ha impresionado en nuestros intercambios sobre los asuntos escolares. Sus preguntas y comentarios siempre hacen mucho sentido por ser tan razonables y equilibrados. Por eso creemos firmemente que él será un representante de mucha consideración en La Junta Escolar de APS. Como resultado de estas consideraciones, esperamos que Steven Krieger sea parte de la próxima Junta Escolar de APS. Por favor, voten por él para que esto sea una realidad.
Dr. Marjorie L. Myers, Principal 1995-2018
Sra. Evelyn Fernandez, Asst. Principal 1997-2016; Teacher 1984-1997
Even before the global pandemic hit, and certainly since, Arlington Public Schools has been at a tipping point where decisions on school leadership, overcrowding and combating institutional bias will have grave and lasting effects on the education of our children. Never has it been more important to elect qualified, compassionate people to our school board. This is why I wholeheartedly support Steven Krieger.
Steven is smart. He listens, he's data-driven and he isn't afraid to be bold. He has the moral character that should be required of those who serve public office. Steven is what our county needs, particularly when it comes to problem-solving that benefits our most vulnerable kids.
As a civic leader and community activist, I’ve been working within Arlington Public Schools for the past dozen years to increase access to opportunity and shine a light on various inequities still grounded in the school system. What has frustrated me most is the lack of transparency, accountability and data-driven decision making necessary to maintain an excellent school system. Steven has a combination of the critical thinking skills and empathetic nature necessary to tackle these complex issues for the betterment of every student.
We need members on the school board who are unafraid to challenge the status quo in order to achieve our goals of equity, good stewardship and accountability. Steven has built his legal career as a social justice advocate and a litigator- he will ask tough, insightful questions and won’t balk at making an unpopular or uncomfortable stance when he knows that it’s best for all of our children.
My two boys are still in APS, in 7th and 9th grade. Steven has the youngest children of any candidate (a 3rd grader and a 3 year old), so his family will be in the school system for the next 15 years. Steven will be as personally invested in the long-term success of APS as the rest of us. The success of the school system affects his boys just as much as it affects mine. And that it why I ask you to join me in voting for Steven, a father who decided to run for office to be the change that we all want to see in Arlington Public Schools.
Co-Founder, Black Parents of Arlington
Arlington Public Schools Honored Citizen 2015
Arlington parent: Key, Gunston, HB Woodlawn, Wakefield